I’m gonna call this my WTJD “stripped teaser”! Partly my reasoning for calling it that should be fairly obvious; This young stud is drawn, well, practically naked! But why is he illustrated (by the astoundingly talented illustrator of erotic men, Butch McLogic) in such a “leading” matter? Because this particular dude—and his name is Wyl; short for Wylliam (yes, I know, youth and their sexy contrivances with letters!)—and his scanty rendering is fully intended as a titillating indication. Void of …continue…
Category Archives: Uncategorized
Dapper is Classic—and More!
From time to time, and definitely once WTJD gets rolling, we will feature the dandy-wears of others alongside our own aesthete accoutrements. It’s also likely that those featured will re-appear and often. One such case, I present to you now; of the divine men’s socks of Dapper Classics. I am not at all sure how I came to know DC’s goods. But in this instance, there’s no need to “look …Continue…
WTJD, How Does Its Garden Grow?
Well, for one, slowly but surely; but for another, not nearly fast enough! Nevertheless, as Shirley MacLaine once sang (and WTJD’s knowing this moment is a clue into its “musical” mindset!): It’s not where you start, it’s where you finish! We have to agree (okay, I—since it’s still just me, Gil, writing for the time being!). But I can’t say that arriving at this bounty of blossoms is an end. …Continue…
June’s In BLOOM!
Yes, my beau “buds”! June is (finally!) in full BLOOM here at WTJD. Which is a metaphor for us at last putting forth our very own and first set of exclusively (although not at all too expensively) made blossoms! Indeed, these boutonnières are for sale and of the highest caliber of craftsmanship! Make that hand-craftsmanship, as these flowers are all made individually by one of three crafty women across the country! But they’re not about making …Continue…
Forget? Me?! NOT!!!
But it may seem—well, to some of you—that I have at the very least been somewhat forgetful. That is, in my webmastering duties and seeming lack thereof! However, I haven’t forgotten my job; I’ve merely been waiting for something I knew was due to arrive. Then, use it to show you something worth the wait. Coincidentally, they happen to be “forget-me-not flowers.” Yes, of the “made up” kind. Which I was having …Continue…
Find “Viv,” Now!
As I “puzzle” through the putting together of WTJD.com—you do know you’re seeing the site in its soft, prelaunch mode, yes?—I ponder what pieces will form its eventual foundation. For sure, one part that will become integral is the idiosyncratic. The eccentric. But always with an aesthetic bent. An obvious example of this connected distortion would be my presenting the works of little-known (but growing in popularity) street life fotog, …Continue…
I Digress!
Sometimes these things—these “digressions”—cannot be helped. So one cannot be too hard on one’s self when they occur. As long as the diversions are duly accounted for, attributed with some meaning where applicable, and excused as merely men being men. Or in this case, a dandy being a dandy. Make of THAT what you will. Meanwhile, what’s a dapper dude supposed to do? When part of my motivation is to …Continue…
Awww, “NUTS”!
Ya know, being able to do two things at once is not my forté; I simply don’t know how these “tweeners” multitask. But maybe they’re not doing such a good job of it, too! In any case, I find it hard just to do one simple thing (at a time) well; attempting such dual purposes with harder stuff leaves me feeling even more inept. So it is, that as I …Continue…
From A Seed, Planted
When one ventures into (onto?) online territory, actual moments have little true timely meaning. What might be recent posts on HuffPo may be just that, but there’s no better way to verify content then witnessing the story—in real time. So it is that seeing shouldn’t automatically make you a believer. Case in point, a few weeks back I’d watched what appeared to be an of-the-moment, many-millions-viewed viral video. Which was …Continue…
Getting “On” With It!
It comes down to timing. Which isn’t often optimal. But in those cases one must be willing to bend a little. As it is with my latest post, and my trying to be timely (and dutiful) even when I’m not really ready to post. Then things “happen” like the GIF to my left. It looks like your now-too-ordinary e-vertising (is that a word?) banner promoting socks. Well, yeah! However to …Continue…